Mad Mad Fashion

I'm not a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl. I hate it. I hate it even more since that's all I have in my closet.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

What happened yesterday

Yesterday my mum and I went out to purchase a digital camera (among many other things!).

So this is what I wore today:
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D.E.I. tank top, Mixed Bolero, skirt and belt from our own garage sale and a "Chanel" watch.

That's my "ambitious" skirt. I decided not to do anything with it as I can do a lot of things with it without sewing on a stitch.

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Just tuck it in! :D (Still a work in progress- i need to fix that lining peeking out)

We had lunch at Pho Hoa, dessert at Chocolat (mmm... cheesecake) and bought clothes (mostly for mum). We spent a lot today, so we won't be spending a lot anytime soon :) But all is good- we finally have a digicam!

Expect more colorful posts in the future.


P.S. I might sell some of my clothes here. Some I've never worn :) Mostly thrift finds :D

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Long time no post! Well, whatever.

This post are about Abigail Breslin's frames in the wonderful movie Little Miss Sunshine. These frames are much like the ones I lost in the MRT station. I'm having my eyes examined tomorrow and if ever I need glasses, I'll go for lola ones (picture to your left) or beautiful wayfarers, because everyone wants to be Lisa effing Loeb.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

OK Ukay!

Last week my mum and I went to SM to watch the movie she thought was "Little Miss Sunshine" (it turns out its the sci-fi movie Sunshine. lol). On the way there, my mum points me to this ukay-ukay near the overpass and told me there are really good finds there. My mind muttered: "Sure."

I generally dislike Manila Ukays because they're just old shirts and bad bad jeans. These people who own these ukay-ukays have already filtered out the interesting pieces and left us with the boring shirts that are better off new and store-bought.

Anyway, so we went in and I started looking around and I spot this checkered "lumberjack" Giordano top. I've been looking around for one that doesn't scream "tree logging" and this was it. It was hanging in the '3 for 100' rack. Oh joy.

My mum points me to these pink suede platforms that scream adorable and "sucks to have big feet". They were a size to small for my mum so we let it go. It was only 150 so not bad no?

So while I was looking around I spotted this mod dress and I ask for the price.
50 pesos not as cheap as Baguio but it's not as bad as the other ukays who charge 75 pesos for a top with foundation stains. So I grabbed it and decided that this Ukay had promise.

I was looking at the trouser rack and spotted this:

These pants!! They are made of slightly skinny and the most glorious color: purple. They fit just right and the price? 60 pesos. just raised the ukay's level from 'has promise' to 'must visit every pay day'. Amazing amazing.

While my head was swimming in the glorious find, I remembered the Giordano top and grabbed it. I also found a green mini-polka dot top that's made of fake thread but would be lovely piece to layer :3

All in all this is what I call a good haul :D

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


I want these things. They're kira-kira and cute and funky all at the same time! Lovely-overload!!

More here! Yarr!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Aside from select pieces in SM, I would like the following in my closet.

- Oxford shoes. Basic and smart-tomboy. Would go great with a girly dress and leggings.

- Barrettes. Because I have short hair pa rin. I'm kind of sick having wavy headbanded hair.

- Dresses. Girly, preferably short. So I can wear tights and my dream shoe/oxfords.

- More opaque tights. I don't care for color. Neon, earth, black or even nurse white. As long as it fits and stays opaque when I'm wearing them.

- More flats. :D
OMG. These are from Topshop but they're sooo ADVAN!


Thought I'd mention how much I love Topshop. I love the items and the online store is so easy to load and navigate! :D

Sunday, March 25, 2007


You'd be surprised what you can find in your local masa mall, SM (ShoeMart to some). I came from the unfinished Bonifacio High Street after having donuts with the family (here in the Philippines, at least with my family, having Krispy Kreme is a family event.) and on my way home I asked my sister to drop me off at SM so I can finally buy the Fiorucci shoes that star in my dreams. After buying the shoes, I discovered I had a bit of money left! So I decided to splurge a bit and buy a shirt.

I was looking around SM Department store and I was blown away with the selection and choices they have. I mean, it was craaaaaazy. There I was looking quite fasyon (with a big box of krispy kreme. luwlz) and I was gasping, oooh-inh and aahh-ing at the incrediblosity of the SM Department store. Feeling ko, feeling nila na Promdi ako. Hahaha.

I was passing by the bag section (on my way to the shoe section to get me a pair of Advans) when I saw these HUGE, PATENT bags. I don't know if I'm in my sporadic trenzoid mode (and honestly, I don't care) but they were LOVELY. They had BLACK, RED and I think I spotted a BROWN one. They had them quilted (Chanel was a very obvious inspiration), a YSL Muse lookalike/knockoff/reincarnation with studs and chains and trendy fasyon. BASTA, I thought they were surprisingly lovely.

It's a shame I only had 400 left, so I drifted by them, blowing them kisses and muttering "Mummy will get you soon, loves. Muwah muwah." With a smile still plastered on my face, I went to the shoe area (I know I said I was getting shirt, but it was a floor up.) and saw ze incredible finds. Animal print flats, peep-toe pumps (Louboutin lookalikes/knock-offs/reincarnations), gold sequined and glitter flats (I was looking for red glitter ones, ala Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz) and even pointy-toed TRANSPARENT Jelly shoes. Shet! Ang crazy ng SM!! I went wild- inside. My inner-trenzoid was thrashing around, cursing my wallet to high heavens for carrying so little money.

So I turned to shirts, and I was not disappointed. The "teen" (i'm not sure what Ia m now) had all these great tops and bottoms whcih got me asking "Do these people even know what they have here? What is so readily available for them NOW? OD they even know how to work these damn pieces together?" and "Did they raid Susie Bubble's closet??" Hay. I can't describe the shirts I found and the skirts I long for because my brain refuses to cooperate. BASTA, everything was good and nice.

I'll post pictures tomorrow maybe... And I'll probably rewrite this. :D


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Smart Casual

Whenever I go to parties (debutant balls, birthdays, reunions, anniversaries), I always almost wish that the invite would read "formal" or "semi-formal". For one, it requires me to purchase a dress and I can never be overdressed. And I'm sure, together with my dress, my mum would buy me a pair of sparkly strappy shoes to go with it. So when I see "Attire: Smart Casual", my brian kind of freezes up and refuses to wrap itself around the concept of "Smart Casual". What is it? Does it require to you look lax or professional? Should I wear my slick jeans or whip out my corporate skirts? Do I have to wear glasses to look smart? Ha ha ha.

I have approximately ten minutes to finish this post because in an hours time, I should be in a cab to Makati Shangri-la so my group and I can pass our portfolio so we can apply for a coveted internship slot. My professor, who we're going to meet up with, told us to go there at 8:30 am, bring our portfolio and be in Smart Casual. Uhm, what?

So this morning I actually asked my good friend Wikipedia to define what the hell smart casual is. This is what it said:

Smart casual (as distinct from Business casual) is a dress code which generally consists of a suit or sports jacket and/or a sweater (and other appropriate clothing). A tie is optional. As "smart casual" is not formally defined, the lines between it and the other casual styles are often blurred. See the link below, "Cracking the Dress Code", for details.

Current interpretations of Smart casual may vary from the more gentrified description above through to conservative, tailored street attire. This may include denim jeans with a collared shirt for men.

So uhm, what now? I'm still confused as ever and that's sad considering I turned to wiki and it tells me nothing.

So what do I do now? I'll rummage my closet and look for a safe and clean top with safe and clean slacks.

This entry has no resolution. It's just me telling how I hate "smart casual" because I'm pretty sure I have none in my wardrobe.

UPDATE: A co-worker/batchmate defines it as "preppy and chic". Preppy I get, chic is just as obscure as smart casual and "sporty".